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Grand Ducal Navy of Oceanis

Serving in the Grand Ducal Navy is one of, if not the highest honor in the nation. Your job in the Navy is to defend our island nation and its sovereignty from foreign nations who challenge it. The goal of all this is to become and remain a free, independent nation. I hope you'll join us as an Oceanise Sailor in the defense of your Duke and Country. May God Bless Oceanis.

Benefits of being an Oceanise Sailor

- High pay based on rank and service level in Oceanise Sand Dollars backed by the U.S. Dollar

- Automatic citizenship and Watercraft Operations License (class depending on job)

- Control of the nations borders and vetting of any entity attempting to cross.

- High pay based on rank and service level in Oceanise Sand Dollars backed by the U.S. Dollar

- Automatic citizenship and Watercraft Operations License (class depending on job)

- Control of the nations borders and vetting of any entity attempting to cross.

Benefits of being an Oceanise Sailor

- Border Defense and Security Officer

- Inland Civilian Safety Surveillance Officer

- Enlisted Sailor (Sea craft or Dock stationing)

- Customs and Immigration Officer

- Ceremonial Guard

- Government Office Security Detail Personnel 

- Ducal Palace Guard

- Combat Engagement Specialist

Jobs in the Ducal Navy

Enlisted Ranks in the GDN

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